lunes, 23 de junio de 2014

Do you know Iván Hdez Carrillo, Dania Virgen Garcia and PorCuba!ya! on Twitter?

william cacer diaz,
Some people you may know on Twitter
Iván Hdez Carrillo @ivanlibre
Periodista y Sindicalista independiente ex prisionero de conciencia...
Followed by Ieronimush Boshinski and 38 others.
Following: 7257 · Followers: 6853
Dania Virgen Garcia @DaniaCuba
Periodista Independiente. Activista de Derechos Humanos.
Followed by Damaris Moya and 32 others.
Following: 2392 · Followers: 2528
PorCuba!ya! @PorCubaYa
Followed by Diario Las Américas and 16 others.
Following: 1846 · Followers: 748
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