lunes, 3 de febrero de 2014

Do you know Yoani Sanchez, Karel Becerra #Cuba and Santiago Medina on Twitter?

william cacer diaz,
Some people you may know on Twitter
Yoani Sanchez @yoanifromcuba
Followed by Fernando Dominguez and 25 others.
Following: 9600 · Followers: 9779
Karel Becerra #Cuba @KarelBecerra
Relaciones Internacionales @CubaCID (Cuba Independiente y Democratica)....
Followed by Capitan Manuel and 32 others.
Following: 14970 · Followers: 15624
Santiago Medina @ranchoveloz
Natural de Rancho Veloz,Corralillo,Villa Clara.Cuba Doctor en...
Followed by Ted Henken and 26 others.
Following: 2086 · Followers: 2180
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