lunes, 9 de septiembre de 2013

Do you know La Jiribilla Libre, Con Voz Propia and Dania Virgen Garcia on Twitter?

william cacer diaz,
Some people you may know on Twitter
La Jiribilla Libre @JirilibreLa
Artivista independiente, voluntaria y algo hippie :). Ser cultos para...
Followed by 100 % Gusan@ and 11 others.
Following: 1320 · Followers: 961
Con Voz Propia @Convozpropiarm
Programa de Radio Martí. Michelle, Vicky, Norma, Ileana e Hilda abordan...
Followed by 100 % Gusan@ and 20 others.
Following: 957 · Followers: 1260
Dania Virgen Garcia @DaniaCuba
Periodista Independiente. Activista de Derechos Humanos.
Followed by FRED CALDERON MUNOA and 34 others.
Following: 2186 · Followers: 1990
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