martes, 24 de septiembre de 2013

Do you know Karel Becerra #Cuba, Elsa Morejon and Yamily on Twitter?

william cacer diaz,
Some people you may know on Twitter
Karel Becerra #Cuba @KarelBecerra
Relaciones Internacionales @CubaCID (Cuba Independiente y Democratica)...
Followed by 100 % Gusan@ and 30 others.
Following: 14176 · Followers: 14829
Elsa Morejon @ElsaMorejon
Cubana, amante de la vida, la justicia y la libertad, Licenciada en...
Followed by Sonia Garro and 31 others.
Following: 2424 · Followers: 2416
Yamily @yamycubanita
Anticastrista desde el vientre de mi madre , todo lo que tenga que ver...
Followed by Barbara Munoz and 25 others.
Following: 2342 · Followers: 2245
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lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

Ricardo S. Medina, Janie Johnson, and 6 others have Tweets for you

william cacer diaz,
Here's what's trending on Twitter this week.

Ricardo S. Medina @RicardoSMedina

La esperanza no defrauda, la Iglesia #Cuba #CID

22 Sep

Cuba Independiente y Democrática: La esperanza no defrauda, la Iglesia

Por Ricardo Santiago Medina* Es cierto que "La esperanza no defrauda", desde siempre he presentado a Dios en mis oraciones que los obispos cubanos tomen la postura asumida ahora en esta Carta Pastoral y con esta energía…

TeaPartyNewsNetwork @TPNNtweets

Have you noticed the fastest-growing states all have Republican governors?… #UniteBlue #CTL #LibCrib #GOP #TeaParty

21 Sep

Have you noticed the fastest-growing states all have Republican governors?

Nevada has divided government, like Washington, but still works


Related tweet

Palm Beach Post @pbpost

"Geek culture" reigns as #PalmCon draws 2,000 to PBC convention center

22 Sep

'Geek culture' reigns as PalmCon draws 2,000 to convention center

Josh Dykstra wanted to dress as a superhero for Halloween, but he couldn't find one with a beard, like himself.


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Glenn Beck @glennbeck

We are Americans and not cattle!…

21 Sep

'Is This America?': Parent 'Manhandled', Arrested While Speaking Out Against Common Core at Public Forum

A parent in Towson, Md., was arrested Thursday night at a public forum after vocally expressing his concerns about the Baltimore County School District's plan to use Common Core standards in its…


Related tweet

Janie Johnson @jjauthor

Could we please stop calling these "reporters""journalists"-they are the Palace Guard!#tcot #Benghazi #IRS #FANDF

22 Sep



Ashley @RebelQueen1776

22 Sep



Henrique Capriles R. @hcapriles

Hay personas que solo critican y no mueven un dedo,ojalá que pasen de la critica a la acción,a la organización y a sumar!

22 Sep



Greg Anderson @sparkygreg

There are 2 dozen scandals over which Obama needs to be impeached #Benghazi #IRSGate #StolenSSNo MT @DoninRichmond:

22 Sep



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